Terms and Conditions

User Agreement and Acceptance

Swappcell allows you to sell your smartphones on https://swappcell.com/ and the mobile app. Using our services means you accept the terms. You must be checking out the updated terms periodically. If you don't agree with the terms or don't feel happy to work with Swappcell, you might not be able to enjoy its services. Swappcell would be updating its terms anytime when needed.


Usage Rules and Content Regulations

Swappcell is amongst the top smartphone marketplaces across Pakistan that connects sellers and buyers digitally. There is no direct involvement of Swappcell in the transactions and selling/purchasing. It only facilitates them by providing a reliable and transparent platform for buying & selling smartphones. Any content posted by the users would be their responsibility. If any content violates the terms of Swappcell, it can remove that content & can remove it on the spot. However, Swappcell keeps certain rights to use the users' content, like creating videos for the ads and collecting photos from users' content. Swappcell takes copyrights seriously and would be removing infringing content. In case of repeated infringing content, Swappcell may terminate their access.


Content Code of Conduct for Users

You will not post content on Swappcell that:
  • Is against any law & regulation.
  • Infringes intellectual property or proprietary rights without permission.
  • Offensive, harmful, or discriminatory.
  • Harms someone's image or reveals personal information with no consent.
  • Misrepresents affiliation or impersonates someone.
  • Misleads or deceives.
  • Posting illegal or stolen smartphones.
  • Contains wrong email address.
You also agree not to:
  • Approach users who avoid being contacted.
  • Defame or spoil anyone with comments.
  • Misusing personal data of other users.
  • Use any automated tool to fetch data other than search engines.
  • Post content that is repetitive or irrelevant.
  • Misusing Swappcell's flagging system.
  • Do posting through automated tools.


Featured Ads Service

Swappcell also features the ads of users to increase ad visibility, charging some fees which is non-refundable. To use the featured ad service, you may have to proceed with the payment through a third-party service according to its terms. Swappcell takes no responsibility for the safety of information the user shares with the third party. All the featured ads are managed and controlled by Swappcell's terms and conditions.


Service Usage License

Swappcell provides a revocable license with limitations for the services utilized for personal use, which excludes the posting agents and tools for data mining without the authorization of Swappcell.

A few exceptions are applied for essential purposes like search engines and noncommercial archives. Individual content can be posted on the website, forming a hyperlink connecting to the swappcell homepage. RSS feed is utilized for personal, noncommercial purposes with Acknowledgement. If it is used for another purpose apart from these terms, this will need another license from the Swappcell website. Unauthorized usage will result in the termination of the permit license.


Complaints of Copyright infringement

Swappcell has no responsibility for copyright or violation of the intellectual property by the other users and third parties of the website. Suppose you have the authorization rights, or you are the intellectual property owner and are adamant about violence and infringement. In that case, a request can be put to Swappcell to remove the content. A notification will be sent to help@swappcell.com.pk, which includes the contact information, details about the violence, and a statement that proves the authorization. Swappcell will not be held responsible and will be precluded from harm to the third party claiming the content removal. The claim should be precise and should be legitimate.


Ad Posting by Agents

Swappcell does not grant posting agents and intermediaries permission to advertise their content. Written consent is required for publishing content on swappcell. The posts can only be posted on behalf of the other party, with a specific written permit from the Swappcell.


Intellectual Property Rights

The products on the Swappcell website are owned by Swappcell, except for the content of the users that have been licensed, has copyright protection and has laws of intellectual properties. The rights can be utilized for noncommercial purposes and personal use with unaltered copyright notices. The products cannot be distributed or imitated for any purpose without permission in advance. The security rules and regulations should be kept from being interfered with. The content should not be used for commercial purposes. Redistribution and reproduction of the products is forbidden. It is prohibited to imitate or reverse-engineer.

The resource code: Swappcell is a service mark that is registered.


Anti-Spam policy.

There is a prohibition on sending unrequested emails of ads or communicating via Swappcell. Swappcell might be monitoring the emails for spam and trash.



The terms mentioned formulate the agreement between you and Swappcell. The Pakistani laws govern the disputes. Nullification of Certain provisions will not affect others. Disclaimer of Warranties

The services and websites are "as is," Swappcell refuses to acknowledge all the warranties. Swappcell does not take responsibility for the mistakes, errors, obtrusions, or the content of the third party.


Submissions of Users

While operating the website of swappcell, you will run across many products from various sources. Swappcell is not accountable for the safety, precision, or rights of patent of the content. You should undertake all the accountability of your usage and remember that some content may be offensive and incorrect. The agreement will waive the legal rights and rectification against the Swappcell about such content.


Limitations of Liability

Swappcell will not acknowledge the damages that have occurred by using the website. Swappcell will be set free from accountability in case of nuisance.


Service Restrictions and Discontinuation

Limitations on the usage can be placed. The services provided can be modified and abolished by Swappcell for several reasons.


Breach of Agreement and Penalty

If suspicious of violations, report that to Swappcell. Swappcell will rectify the breach by abandoning rights.

The users cannot transfer the terms, but Swappcell has the authority.


Legal Terms/Indemnity

The agreement will preserve, indemnify, and keep Swappcell and its associates safe from redress, claims, loss, accountability, fare, and tariff, which includes the legal fare that has been ascending by the use of the website, breaching the terms, violating the rights of the parent, or the claims pertaining to your content. The users are obligated even when terms end; the services are stopped.


Ability to Accept Terms of Service

The users should have proper consent. They should be adults according to age, while minors will need approval from their guardians.